It’s the time of year when legislators file bills, although many of them aren’t actually written yet so we’ve only got the titles. A couple hundred have been filed; I zipped through them and flagged these scientifically dubious ideas. There may well be others – you can search for foolishness among the many, many proposals right here.
HB 2025-0912: Prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition.
- Don’t want any of that nasty microwave radiation or weather modification! (New Hampshire has a history of bills outlawing weather modification. That topic has been adopted by the chem-trail crowd to camouflage their patently silly conspiracy ideas.)
HB 2025-0528: prohibiting fluoridation of public water systems.
- You knew that one was coming since RFK Jr. has given this long-running foolishness legitimacy within the Trump Party.
HB 2025-0200: repealing the New Hampshire vaccine association.
- See above for RFK Jr. commentary. There’s another bill (0284) about video recordings of the group’s meetings and “requiring questions put to it in writing or at a meeting be answered and posted on its website within 14 days”. There’s also 2024-0440: Relative to immunization requirements that will be some form of anti-vax screed.
HB 2025-0164: Prohibiting electric vehicles in commercial parking garages.
- This has come up in past years. For safety’s sake, we need to limit garages to thousands of gallons of explosive liquids.
HB 2025-0888: Removing authority for municipalities to regulate mandatory on-site parking requirements.
- You just know the phrase “war on cars” will be used frequently in hearings.
HB 2025-0183 Relative to rejecting all offshore wind energy projects in the waters off the coast of New Hampshire and the Gulf of Maine and 0735: Prohibiting offshore wind energy infrastructure
- Oh for crying out loud.
HB 2025-0511 Establishing a commission to solicit reports and testimony regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena in the state
- Yes, let’s spend tax dollars on listening to people tell us about the weird thing they saw in the night sky that they’re sure was a UFO defying known physics!
HB 2025-0910: Requiring that retailers of fuel blends with 15% ethanol also offer fuel blends with 10% or lower ethanol contest.
- Wait – this one makes sense! Ethanol is greenwashing boondoggle, both financially and environmentally.
Strafford County is seriously over-represented in terms of Republican lunatics sponsoring these insane bills!
Belknap, 0% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
Carroll, 10% of Republican reps in county voting for crazy
Mike Belcher (R) – Carroll
Cheshire, 0% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
Coös, 0% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
Grafton, 13% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
John Sellers (R) – Grafton
Hillsborough, 8% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
Robert Wherry (R) – Hillsborough
Shane Sirois (R) – Hillsborough
Mark Proulx (R) – Hillsborough
Sheila Seidel (R) – Hillsborough
Merrimack, 10% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
Yury Polozov (R) – Merrimack
Jose Cambrils (R) – Merrimack
Rockingham, 8% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
JD Bernardy (R) – Rockingham
Joe Sweeney (R) – Rockingham
Douglas Thomas (R) – Rockingham
Aboul Khan (R) – Rockingham
Jason Osborne (R) – Rockingham
Strafford, 21% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
Kelley Potenza (R) – Strafford
Michael Granger (R) – Strafford
Michael Harrington (R) – Strafford
(Peter Schmidt (d) – Strafford, honorable crazy mention)
Sullivan 0/7 = 0% of Republican reps in county sponsoring the crazy
…roundabout way of saying the party sponsoring this garbage should be named.
FYI: A couple items have been added or edited since you wrote that comment.
Banning industrial emissions could have some unintended side-effects, like the Wisconsin glass factory that created a 160km plume of snow (and car accidents, and municipal cleanup costs, and likely future nuisance lawsuits) recently. It was documented in many places, here’s one without a paywall:
Re HB 2025-0912: Regarding weather modification, I was surprised at the number of experiments going on around the country, many like California attempting to rebuild desperately needed snowpack and in the Rockies: None in the Granite State, of course.