Vermont, like many places, is looking at how to pay for roads as we get more electric vehicles, which don’t pay gasoline tax. About 20 states have an annual EV “registration fee” – New Hampshire is considering one – but that’s a pretty clumsy mechanism.

VTDigger had a recent report about the issue in that state (full story is here):

One option is a tax on miles driven, not fuel. A device could be installed in a vehicle to measure the number of miles driven per year, Boomhower said. Because the device would also be equipped with GPS technology, it would be able to subtract any miles driven outside of Vermont, so those would not be taxed.

Another possibility is to tax the hours spent on recharging electric vehicles — whether at home charging stations or public charging stations. However, the technology to tax at-home charging is still in the works. … It is nearly impossible for electric companies to tell the difference between electricity being used to charge an electric car versus other day-to-day electricity needs, such as charging cellphones or watching TV.

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