Where do languages come from? Is the Internet changing English? Can I split infinitives? Why do some languages have masculine/feminine nouns but we don’t? Why is “enough” spelled so weird? Come and ask your questions about the science linguistics – a topic we’ve never discussed in 9 years of Science Cafes – at the next SCNH Concord.

Panelists: Laura McPherson and Timothy Pulju, linguistics professors at Dartmouth College; Rachel Steindel Burdin, professor of linguistics at UNH, Durham. You can do some advance homework with the great new book “Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language” or check out the lon-running podcast “Lexicon Valley“, which I’ve been a fan of for years.

As always, it’s at Makris Lobster and Steak Restaurant354 Sheep Davis Rd. (Rt. 106), 6-8 p.m. Reservations are required – call  603-225-7665. Seating goes first to those who buy the buffet dinner. 

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