Sci/tech tidbits in and around New Hampshire 

N.H. patents through Aug. 6

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through Aug. 6. *** Networking Module for Instrumentation and Control Devices...

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Work is restarting on that Maine hydropower line

I thought the future wasn't settled yet for the HVDC line bringing Quebec hydropower into Maine, but the company has resumed work, according to this AP story. The cost of the project, originally estimated at around $1 billion, has grown to $1.5 billion as litigation...

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Good news about pedestrian deaths in NH

I’m sure you’d like to hear a little bit of good news these days, so how about this: At a time when pedestrian deaths are soaring in this country, New Hampshire has the best record of any state by a pretty good margin. Don’t get too carried away with your high-fives;...

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N.H. patents through July 30

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through July 30. *** Medical Pump DEKA PRODUCTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, Manchester,...

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About Granite Geek

Dave Brooks has written a weekly science/tech newspaper column since 1991 – yes, that long – and has written this blog since 2006, keeping an eye on geekish topics in and around the Granite State. He discusses the geek world regularly on WGIR-AM radio, and moderated the monthly Science Cafe NH sessions when they were still a thing. He joined the Concord Monitor in 2015.

Brooks earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics but got lost on the way to the Ivory Tower and ended up in a newsroom. He has reported for newspapers from Tennessee to New England. Rummage through his bag of awards you’ll find oddities like three Best Blog prizes from the New Hampshire Press Association, Writer of the Year award from the N.H. Farm and Forest Bureau (of all places) and his 2024 induction into the New England Newspaper Hall of Fame.

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