A data analyst named Steve Deane with Stratos Jet Charters in Orlando, Florida, has been making depictions of plane traffic taken from Flightradar24 to illustrate how much COVID-19 has clobbered commercial aviation. It depends mostly on data from ADS-B transmitters, which virtually no private aircraft have yet.
Here are shots centered on Boston Logan, which include Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. They’re taken at 9 a.m., usually a very busy time at airports, on March 2 (a Monday) vs. same time April 2 (a Thursday). Startling difference! You can see screenshots he’s made of other airports at his website.
This is what it looked like pre-COVID:

Compare that to post-COVID:

It is ADS-B not ASB-D. It is required in ALL aircraft including private ones in Class A,B, and C controlled airspace which includes the airspace you are talking about. The requirement went into effect as of 1/1/2020. Any active pilot knows this.
ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance and is an electronic transponder system that largely replaces the need for radar.