NOTE: Feb. 9 at 6 p.m., scientists will talk about this in a virtual Science Pub. Register here.
At Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, scientists forced to abandon long research habits due to COVID-19 are “recording the sounds of the forest, which they hope will transform their long and influential record of a changing world.”
NHPR has the story here.
Glancing back through Granite Geek I find nine stories about long-term forest- and climate-related research from Hubbard Brook. It really is a scientific gem.
Cornell Ornithology is mentioned in the article, and you can zoom in on the picture in the NHPR story and see the sound card has their logo on it. A worthwhile visit to has an amazing demonstration of real-time AI birdsong identification (see “Live Stream Demo”) in Ithaca’s Sapsucker Woods.