After yet another warm-rain-killing-snowpack event, New Hampshire Bulletin reports on analysis showing that it’s not our imagination: they really have increased.
ROS days increased 17 percent between 1981-2010 and 1991-2020, Peachey found. Even more telling is that ROS days in December increased 46 percent between the two climatologies. In the earlier climatology, ROS days peaked in April with a smaller peak in November. But in the later climatology, the smaller peak occurred in December instead.
This situation was predicted 40 years ago by fossil fuel industry players, yet they chose to deceive the public about their pollution and manipulate politics to delay solutions rather than work on policy solutions that would meet their needs and ours. They chose to play a two-faced game of acting responsibly and practicing deception, and continue to spend heavily to delay legislation to address their pollution. Their influence is overwhelming at the state and national level: