NHSaves, a program to urge energy efficiency in the state, and sometimes give financial to upgrading items, sent out an item today telling people how bad incandescent bulbs are. That led me to wonder: Who uses incandescent bulbs any more?

Funky restaurants use them to look cool (or did before COVID) and there are a few specialty applications where replacements don’t exist, but otherwise I assumed those filaments had all burned out. Remember how we used to have to buy new bulbs every time we went to the hardware store because they died so quickly?

So I thought I’d asked granitegeekers: Do you still use incandescent bulbs in your house? If so, where and why?

I have two of them, both in the basement in sockets that are almost never turned on. When they die they’ll be replaced with LEDs.

After I posted this query on Twitter, Madeleine Mineau, Executive Director of Clean Energy NH, forwarded me a presentation from the Energy Efficiency Resource Standards committee that included survey results saying the “average” New Hampshire home has almost 35 indoor light sockets, and 8 of them have incandescent bulbs. Both of those numbers are bigger than I would have guessed. Here’s a slide from the presentation:

For the bars on the right: CZ5 and CZ6 are the state’s two climate zones; MF is multi-famiy and LI is low-income.

Her email notes that the days of targeting filament bulbs is ending: “The programs are aware though that lighting retrofit opportunities are decreasing as replacement with LED becomes more and more the standard choice rather than something that needs to be encouraged or incentivized. The amount of efficiency savings gained from lighting are projected to decrease over the next 3 year plan as a result.”

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