Sci/tech tidbits in and around New Hampshire 

Those fake Biden calls came from an AI startup

Kevin Landrigan in the Union-Leader reports:  Fake robocalls that appropriated the voice of President Joe Biden to encourage New Hampshire voters to stay away from the polls have been traced to ElevenLabs, a successful startup company in the field of artificial...

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Dueling EV bills in NH: Some pro, some con

Seacoast Online has a story (here it is) about diametrically opposing bills in the legislature regarding electric vehicles. This divide is reflected in seven bills filed this session in the New Hampshire Legislature, some of which conflict with each other: for...

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NH patents through Jan. 28

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through Jan. 28. *** Footwear TBL LICENSING LLC, Stratham, New Hampshire has been...

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Should we be testing wastewater for measles, too?

Testing wastewater for signs of viral or bacterial disease has become pretty routine, one of the good things to come out of the pandemic. With measles making a comeback - is there no end to the damage Andrew Wakefield's fraud is doing to us? - maybe we should add that...

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NH comes up empty in federal EV-charging grants

When it comes to electric vehicle charging, some New Hampshire fans have this quiet hope that the Biden administration will save us from ourselves, giving us the money to do what the gasoline-loving state government won't. Alas, no New Hampshire applications are among...

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About Granite Geek

Dave Brooks has written a weekly science/tech newspaper column since 1991 – yes, that long – and has written this blog since 2006, keeping an eye on geekish topics in and around the Granite State. He discusses the geek world regularly on WGIR-AM radio, and moderated the monthly Science Cafe NH sessions when they were still a thing. He joined the Concord Monitor in 2015.

Brooks earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics but got lost on the way to the Ivory Tower and ended up in a newsroom. He has reported for newspapers from Tennessee to New England. Rummage through his bag of awards you’ll find oddities like three Best Blog prizes from the New Hampshire Press Association, Writer of the Year award from the N.H. Farm and Forest Bureau (of all places) and his 2024 induction into the New England Newspaper Hall of Fame.

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