Sci/tech tidbits in and around New Hampshire
After some disasters, it’s easier to charge EVs than to get gasoline
Electric vehicles are so new that we have questions about how they'll react to some situations, such as recovering from the weather disasters that increasingly hit in these climate-emergency days. After Hurricane Milton in Florida, despite wide ranging power outages,...
Vineyard Wind blade inspection drags on
The Vineyard Wind offshore wind farm is one of the best pieces of energy news that we've had for a while - or, rather, it was until one of the blades broke and made a mess in the ocean. Inspection of all the other blades continues, reports the Boston Globe. In August,...

Small-scale solar chargers for parking lots
A Vermont company called Solaflect Energy is trying to make a business out of directly charging cars from a smallish (6 KW) solar array deployed in parking lots. Each unit has four chargers attached. Seven Days Vt has the story, which unlike a lot of popular press...
Quebec thinks about maybe possibly perhaps dropping Daylight Saving Time
People in all the New England states have been talking for a while about doing something different with time zones, usually dropping the twice-yearly switcheroo and sticking with one or the other of the possibilities. Nothing has come of it and I suspect nothing will...
Live near Concord airport? Weather system needs you UPDATE: One has been found!
UPDATE: A new snow observer has been found! - and the new person learned of the post because of this article in the Concord Monitor If you’re one of those people who loves to brag or complain about how much snow you get – and since this is New Hampshire, of course you...
Even when lobsters don’t move north, warming water changes their habits
We all know that the Gulf of Maine is warming fast, helping push lobsters north to cooler waters. (They're already disappeared from Long Island Sound.) A new UMaine study finds that even if they stick around, their habits change. Whole article in is here. For...
NH patents through Oct. 20
(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through Oct. 20. *** System and Method for Free Space Estimation DEKA PRODUCTS...
Maine to offer Starlink terminals to its roughly 9,000 internet-less homes
Press release from (with some self-congratulatory quotes removed) Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA), the public agency leading the statewide expansion of broadband and digital equity in Maine, today announces the launch of the Working Internet...
For every EV, 200 gas cars in NH
The most recent data I can find about EV registrations (from 2022) says that in New Hampshire and Maine, there are about 200 gasoline cars registered for every battery electric vehicle, while in Vermont and Massachusetts the ratio is 100-1. Source: Alternative Fuels...
Return of the happily inefficient way to be energy efficient
A hands-on program to help people reduce window drafts by building them insulated inserts is coming to Canterbury Town Hall – which is, it turns out, a most appropriate location. “We convinced the town that our 200-year-old Town Hall could use it,” said Claudia...