Sci/tech tidbits in and around New Hampshire 

The geology of why the Old Man of the Mountain fell

On Thursday July 20, at 7 p.m., Dartmouth College grad student Matthew Maclay will be speaking at the Museum of the White Mountains in Plymouth about the factors that led to rapid erosion at Cannon Cliff, and how bedrock weathering and frequent rockfalls over the...

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N.H. patents through July 16

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through July 16. *** Medical Treatment System and Methods Using a Plurality of...

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N.H. patents through July 9

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through July 9. *** Nanophotonic Hot-Electron Devices for Infrared Light Detection...

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Wood-fired cooling! (Wait – cooling?)

Wood-fired cooling! (Wait – cooling?)

To make financial sense when burning wood for a large housing development, I have recently learned, you need to do something that sounds kind of crazy: Use it to cool yourself. “That’s the key. … District heating with wood is not a new thing, it’s the use of heat...

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Electrify that bucket truck!

Electrify that bucket truck!

If you can’t buy an electric version of your company’s vehicle, maybe you can take the vehicle and retrofit it to become electric. That’s the route Breezeline has taken in what they say is the first conversion of a bucket truck to electricity, both the motor and...

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Everything you wanted to know about a Lyme vaccine

Inverse, a news site, has a long detailed piece about efforts to develop a Lyme vaccine for humans, including the tantalizing possibility of a short-lasting but quick-to-take-effect vaccine using monoclonal antibodies and the need for better tests. Even if you know a...

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About Granite Geek

Dave Brooks has written a weekly science/tech newspaper column since 1991 – yes, that long – and has written this blog since 2006, keeping an eye on geekish topics in and around the Granite State. He discusses the geek world regularly on WGIR-AM radio, and moderated the monthly Science Cafe NH sessions when they were still a thing. He joined the Concord Monitor in 2015.

Brooks earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics but got lost on the way to the Ivory Tower and ended up in a newsroom. He has reported for newspapers from Tennessee to New England. Rummage through his bag of awards you’ll find oddities like three Best Blog prizes from the New Hampshire Press Association, Writer of the Year award from the N.H. Farm and Forest Bureau (of all places) and his 2024 induction into the New England Newspaper Hall of Fame.

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