Sci/tech tidbits in and around New Hampshire 

NH patents through Jan. 19

(Links to each patent can be found here, using the patent number or inventor’s name.) By Targeted News Service WASHINGTON – The following federal patents were assigned in New Hampshire through Jan. 19. *** Applicator for a Pessary Device REIA, LLC, Lyme, New Hampshire...

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A different pattern for NH arrivals, via U-Haul

For years, New Hampshire’s population growth has depended on people moving here. But recently they’re doing less of it in a U-Haul, which may reflect a change in who is arriving. Every year the move-yourself company ranks all states based on how many one-way U-Haul...

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Long COVID contributes to a tight job market

I wrote this two weeks ago but forgot to post it in the blog, so if it sounds like old news, it kind of is. The lingering effects of COVID-19 have driven an estimated 4,000 people out of New Hampshire’s workforce and led around 5,300 more to reduce their hours,...

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Vt. electric-plane-charging system is expanding

Vt. electric-plane-charging system is expanding

Beta Technologies of Burlington, Vermont, is trying to develop an electric-aviation ecosystem with both small planes and, importantly, charging infrastructure. It installed a charging station at Manchester airport last year (article here) and now says it has them at...

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Science Cafe NH: “Science of Genealogy”

"The Science Behind Genealogy" will be the topic for this month's Science Cafe NH in Nashua on Tuesday, January 21, at 6:00 PM at Soel Sistas, 30 Temple Street. This free public event will feature a panel of experts discussing the latest advancements in genetic...

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About Granite Geek

Dave Brooks has written a weekly science/tech newspaper column since 1991 – yes, that long – and has written this blog since 2006, keeping an eye on geekish topics in and around the Granite State. He discusses the geek world regularly on WGIR-AM radio, and moderated the monthly Science Cafe NH sessions when they were still a thing. He joined the Concord Monitor in 2015.

Brooks earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics but got lost on the way to the Ivory Tower and ended up in a newsroom. He has reported for newspapers from Tennessee to New England. Rummage through his bag of awards you’ll find oddities like three Best Blog prizes from the New Hampshire Press Association, Writer of the Year award from the N.H. Farm and Forest Bureau (of all places) and his 2024 induction into the New England Newspaper Hall of Fame.

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